Senin, 01 Juli 2013

Tugas SAS

                                    Analysis of Variance Procedure
                                       Class Level Information
                         Class    Levels    Values
                         FAKTRA        3    Clinton Vicland branch
                         FAKTRB        6    1 2 AgroxCeresanKontrolPanogen
                               Number of observations in data set = 64
 NOTE: Due to missing values, only 56 observations can be used in this analysis.

panen GANDUM             
                                    Analysis of Variance Procedure
Dependent Variable: HASIL
Source                  DF             Sum of Squares               Mean Square    F Value      Pr> F
Model                    9             42109.96303571             4678.88478175     129.25      0.0001
Error                   46              1665.22250000               36.20048913
Corrected Total         55             43775.18553571
R-Square                       C.V.                  Root MSE             HASIL Mean
                  0.961960                   22.97227                6.01668423            26.19107143
Source                  DF                   Anova SS               Mean Square    F Value      Pr> F
FAKTRA                   2             23685.33366071            11842.66683036     327.14      0.0001
FAKTRB                   5             41922.20178571             8384.44035714     231.61      0.0001
FAKTRA*FAKTRB            2                 0.00000000                0.00000000       0.00      1.0000

panen GANDUM             
                                    Analysis of Variance Procedure
                                  T tests (LSD) for variable: HASIL
                     NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the
experimentwise error rate.
                         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 46  MSE= 36.20049
                                     Critical Value of T= 2.01290
                  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.
                                              Lower    Difference     Upper
                           FAKTRA          Confidence    Between   Confidence
                         Comparison           Limit       Means       Limit
branch  - Clinton       -0.538       3.744       8.026
branch  -Vicland       39.422      43.331      47.240   ***
                     Clinton - branch        -8.026      -3.744       0.538
                     Clinton - Vicland       35.679      39.588      43.496   ***
Vicland - branch       -47.240     -43.331     -39.422   ***
Vicland - Clinton      -43.496     -39.588     -35.679   ***

panen GANDUM             
                                    Analysis of Variance Procedure
                                  T tests (LSD) for variable: HASIL
                     NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the
experimentwise error rate.
                         Alpha= 0.05  Confidence= 0.95  df= 46  MSE= 36.20049
                                     Critical Value of T= 2.01290
                  Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by '***'.
                                              Lower    Difference     Upper
                           FAKTRB          Confidence    Between   Confidence
                         Comparison           Limit       Means       Limit
Agrox   - Kontrol       -5.318       0.737       6.793
Agrox   - Panogen       -4.180       1.875       7.930
Agrox   - Ceresan       50.095      56.150      62.205   ***
Agrox   - 1             50.622      56.150      61.678   ***
Agrox   - 2             50.622      56.150      61.678   ***
Kontrol - Agrox         -6.793      -0.737       5.318
Kontrol - Panogen       -4.918       1.137       7.193
Kontrol - Ceresan       49.357      55.413      61.468   ***
Kontrol - 1             49.885      55.413      60.940   ***
Kontrol - 2             49.885      55.413      60.940   ***
Panogen - Agrox         -7.930      -1.875       4.180
Panogen - Kontrol       -7.193      -1.137       4.918
Panogen - Ceresan       48.220      54.275      60.330   ***
Panogen - 1             48.747      54.275      59.803   ***
Panogen - 2             48.747      54.275      59.803   ***
Ceresan - Agrox        -62.205     -56.150     -50.095   ***
Ceresan - Kontrol      -61.468     -55.413     -49.357   ***
Ceresan - Panogen      -60.330     -54.275     -48.220   ***
Ceresan - 1             -5.528       0.000       5.528
Ceresan - 2             -5.528       0.000       5.528
                     1       - Agrox        -61.678     -56.150     -50.622   ***
                     1       - Kontrol      -60.940     -55.413     -49.885   ***
                     1       - Panogen      -59.803     -54.275     -48.747   ***
                     1       - Ceresan       -5.528       0.000       5.528
                     1       - 2             -4.944       0.000       4.944
                     2       - Agrox        -61.678     -56.150     -50.622   ***
                     2       - Kontrol      -60.940     -55.413     -49.885   ***
                     2       - Panogen      -59.803     -54.275     -48.747   ***
                     2       - Ceresan       -5.528       0.000       5.528
                     2       - 1             -4.944       0.000       4.944

panen GANDUM             
                                    Analysis of Variance Procedure
                       Level of   Level of        ------------HASIL------------
                       FAKTRA     FAKTRB      N       Mean              SD
                       Clinton    Agrox       4     56.0500000        5.3631458
                       Clinton    Ceresan     4      2.5000000        1.2909944
                       Clinton    Kontrol     4     53.9250000        7.9826374
                       Clinton    Panogen     4     55.8750000        9.0599393
Vicland    1          12      2.5000000        1.1677484
Vicland    2          12      2.5000000        1.1677484
branchAgrox       4     61.2500000       11.3576699
branchCeresan     4      2.5000000        1.2909944
branchKontrol     4     61.9000000       10.6811360
branchPanogen     4     57.6750000       11.1395317

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